This week various blogs, including this one, ran articles of concern for both the new movie Show Dogs and the new channel on Snapchat Cosmo After Dark. As of late yesterday, both concerns have been addressed by the parent companies involved. Show Dogs will be re-released this weekend with the questionable content removed, and the Cosmo channel has been discontinued on Snapchat.

Related to Show Dogs, the studio, Global Road Entertainment, released the following comment:

Responding to concerns raised by moviegoers and some specific organizations, Global Road Entertainment has decided to remove two scenes from the film ‘Show Dogs’ that some have deemed not appropriate for children. The company takes these matters very seriously and remains committed to providing quality entertainment for the intended audiences based on the film’s rating. We apologize to anybody who feels the original version of ‘Show Dogs’ sent an inappropriate message.”

Related to Cosmo After Dark, Cosmopolitan released the following statement:

Cosmopolitan has always been known for empowering women in all aspects of their lives. With a highly popular Snapchat Discover channel, Cosmo launched an age-gated product on the platform for adults over the age of 18, which it is discontinuing after a pilot edition.

No Victory Lap Here – Just Grateful for Unusual Sensitivity

Regardless of either company’s motive or reasoning, I am grateful for the sensitivity both showed in regard to their previous decisions to publish less-than-appropriate material. In a world where children are exploited, children are addicted to porn, and parents fight daily against the onslaught of social media, there are many legitimate concerns for parents and others. It is nice to see that two of this week’s concerns were addressed almost immediately.

Here is an article of related content to help you better engage your children with pop media.

At the end of this week, we can be grateful that both companies listened to the raised voice of social media and concerned organizations. We understand though that the bigger concern is our culture in general. The best way to influence our culture is through living consistent as a Christ-follower and ultimately sharing the Gospel to see real life change.


Pastor Kevin’s Blog | Walking together through life as friends in Christ sharing wisdom along the journey