Who should go see Unplanned? Bottom line: If you are an adult, you should go see it. If you have teenagers, you should probably take them to see it – child dependent. If you are considering taking tweens, possibly – child dependent again. Younger children – no way. If you are pro-choice, you should see this. If you are pro-life, you should see this.

Let me explain why…

Some Movies Shake You But Need To Do So

Other R rated movies similar to Unplanned like The Passion of Christ, Schindler’s List, and Saving Private Ryan are hard movies to watch because the show a reality that we often have ignored. In each of these, once you see them, they affect you. You are moved by them. Most of us hold a position on abortion. We have either a conviction or a preference.

What this movie demonstrates is the real suffering that goes along with abortion. You see suffering from the pregnant girl’s perspective, the baby’s, and the family’s. The decision to either have an abortion or not produces suffering for all that are involved. This movie makes that evident.

Movie Reviews

I went to a private viewing of this movie. To say I enjoyed it would be inaccurate. However, it is very much worth watching. The following are several movie reviews that I encourage you to read for your own research. They explain the story well. Plus, each of them give some personal commentary. In addition, I included Tim Challies’ review of the book as well.

Randy Harp, editor, Baptist Bible Tribune: Click Here

Rick Thomas, biblical counselor, rickthomas.net: Click Here

Focus on the Family’s Plugged In: Click Here

Bridgette Bayley, student: “A Pro-Choice Review of Pro-Life Film ‘Unplanned'”: Click Here

Joan Desmond, National Catholic Register, responding to Variety: Click Here

Owen Gleiberman, chief film critic for Variety: Click Here

Tim Challies, book reviewer, Challies.com: Click Here

Theaters and Tickets in Your Area

To find theaters in your area where Unplanned is playing, go to unplannedtickets.com.

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