How would anyone know whether or not you are a follower of Christ? If someone were to walk beside you throughout your day, would they say without a doubt that Jesus lives and changes people? Or is it possible that you do not demonstrate clearly to those around you that you follow Jesus? Possibly, it is difficult for people to see Jesus in you.

If you are like me, you hate inconsistencies. Yet, I struggle like everyone else with being consistent. I think on most days that I live in a way that allows others to see genuine faith, but, then again, there are those other days. Real discouragement sets in when I look backwards and see multiple days together or see themes and patterns of inconsistency. These inconsistencies have so many different looks and sounds like maybe I hurt someone, forget something important to another, say something that does not minister grace and encouragement, or just simply choose to not honor Christ on a particular day.

Where do I begin again? How can today and this week be better?

Love is the key!

Jesus graciously reminds His imperfect and inconsistent followers – who had been arguing with each other just moments before – that love is the key:

34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35)

To this inconsistent band of followers, Jesus says, love each other as I have loved you. These are powerful words.

How does love for each other as Christ has loved us help?

People will know that you are a true follower of Christ if you have love for each other. Why? Because most of the time love is not all the things that Jesus’ love is.
Take my list above. Love moves toward people in kindness, graciousness, patience, and forbearance. Love seeks to demonstrate mercy, seek and offer forgiveness, and understand others. Love keeps trying even when inconsistent.
Seek to make your love prove Jesus to those around you today! | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together