Are you looking forward to your week?

What kind of week did you have last week?

How would you classify your energy level?

What is your outlook for this week?

Over the course of this pandemic specifically and in life generally, we often become legalists in our own rite. We set standards of perfection for ourselves. We do not allow any room for weakness. The standard we adopt for personal living often comes from a combination of others’ opinions, past experiences, personal dreams, unmet expectations, cultural expectations, and misunderstood Bible passages.

The problem remains: no matter how much you try to live up to the standards you make for yourself, you cannot. At the end of every day there remains a nagging feeling that you have failed you and have failed others. However, you do not have to live this way.

True Rest Is Offered to You through Jesus

Take special note of what Jesus says related to rest:

28 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Jesus here speaks to those who are under the tyranny of Jewish law, the pharisees, and the impossible burden they demand. The people listening to Jesus live under the burden of the law and are weary because of it. Therefore, Jesus offers them to come to him for rest. In other words, to choose to follow Him, learn from Him, and find rest for your souls.

How is this possible for them and you to find rest? Because Jesus has a personal relationship with you. Jesus does not love you, remain loyal to you, and continue to walk with you because of what you do, how you act, or your ability to live according to your own standards. Instead, Jesus, Who is gentle and lowly in heart, responds to you as His own. For that reason, you can get rest.Jesus does not love you, remain loyal to you, and continue to walk with you because of what you do, how you act, or your ability to live according to your own standards. #OneMinuteMondays Click To Tweet

This Week Rest in Jesus Not in Your Own Abilities, Worth, or Effort

My friend, enjoy the presence of Christ, grow as His disciple, and focus on your walk with Him. Recognize the significance of your union with Christ. Understand that the sacrificial death of Christ, His atoning wrath-bearing sacrifice, covered your sin. Rest in the fact that your relationship with God, His pleasure with you, and His kindness to you in Christ do not depend upon you but upon Him, His grace, and His faithfulness.Rest in the fact that your relationship with God, His pleasure with you, and His kindness to you in Christ do not depend upon you but upon Him, His grace, and His faithfulness. #OneMinuteMondays Click To Tweet

Today and this week, I invite you to take on the yoke of Christ and learn Him. Enjoy Christ and His perfection instead of seeking your own because that will bring you rest.

If you missed your service this past weekend, here’s a link to my message from Sunday out of this same passage. You’ll get the full context for this verse in the message. Yesterday’s message was of course related to Mother’s Day.

Image Credit Marcus Aurelius | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together