You do not need another person online telling you how to live your life.

Peaceful protests may be helpful in the sense that they bring emphasis to a particular injustice, but they are not what will win the day.

Pundits on television, verified users on Twitter, nor Facebook Fan Pages provide you what you truly need.

Call it everything from virtue sharing to virtue shaming, but the reality is, none of these well-wishers who are passionate about their position hold authority in your life. You are not responsible for their opinions to you.

There is a better place to start and stay.

It Begins Here

As a conscientious and loyal follower of Christ, we must consider where we need to begin. What will be best for us as? The psalmist (probably Daniel in this case) tells us:

Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.

10 With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.

11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. (Psalm 119:9-11)

Where do we begin? Begin with the Bible!

This Is Truly Helpful!

Do you want to live a pure life that honors the Lord? Begin with the Bible!

Do you want to live consistent with what God commands from you? Begin with the Bible!

Do you want to live a life characterized by fewer sins? Begin with the Bible!

Not to be overly simplistic; however, all the virtues in which you struggle or you do not have are explained, demonstrated, and applied well – where? In the Bible.

Take Hope and Focus on Your Part

I honestly appreciate all those around the world trying to help you and me who may not get it when it comes to various kinds of injustice to get it. They seek to provide us their insight. For which we say, “Thanks.”

However, friends, let me help you out here. As a follower of Jesus, love His Word, learn His Word, and live His Word. If you do this consistently – love, learn, and live – and grow in it, you will not need someone else telling you about how to live virtuously.

Why? Because God’s Word is what you truly need to live in ways that love God supremely and your neighbor sincerely.

Please, make sure you spend time in the Word today.


Image Credit Joel Muniz | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together