A new week begins.

Many localities continue to consider whether or not to require masks for anyone in public.

As you can imagine or know, responses vary. The purpose of this blog is not to figure out the best answer to that dilemma. However, you may receive some help regarding your attitude toward wearing masks if asked or required.

The mask issue is just one of millions of opportunities we have to determine how best to respond to those around you that you love, hardly know, and who are complete strangers.

Let me explain.

Consider Others

The Apostle Paul helps us think through this. He writes:

3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4)

In this passage, Paul challenges us to look past ourselves to see others around us. And not just see them, we are to hold them in higher regard than we do ourselves.

The Challenge

Wow. Think about that for a few moments.

If we are to live consistent with the Gospel as a follower of Jesus Christ, we are to do two things as we look at our neighbors:

First, we place a higher value on our neighbors than we do ourselves;

Second, we are concerned about our neighbors in addition to being concerned about ourselves.

Imagine what our world around us would actually be like if all of us did those two things. Wouldn’t that be incredible?

Here’s the reality of the situation… you can’t make everyone around you live like this; however, you can.

Would you take the challenge to place a higher value on your neighbors than you do yourself and choose concern over your neighbor as you do yourself?

In so doing, you will bless those around you in real and tangible ways for the glory of God in the love of Christ. Your week and theirs will be better.


Image CreditGustavo Fring

KevinCarson.com | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together