As early summer turns into late summer, COVID-19 coronavirus still lingers. In every area of our life, we still live in light of this pandemic. Our spiritual lives, along with those of our church family, are not exempt. Your church family struggles alongside you and everyone else during this season.

As you read this, you are in one of three categories. Either you can attend worship with your church family in person, cannot attend worship with your church family in person, or whether you can or cannot changes based upon the week and circumstances.

Please allow me to encourage and exhort you today depending upon your own personal circumstances.

If You Can Attend Worship with Your Church Family

If you can attend worship with your church family, in humility consider yourself fortunate. God’s grace provides you this opportunity. Many wish they could do what your are doing; however, because of many different concerns, they cannot. What a joy and privilege to join with other brothers and sisters-in-Christ to worship Christ together.

If this is your case, then please consider the following items:

  1. Attend. If you do not have a quarantine issue, then please, for the sake of your own soul and the spiritual benefit of others, attend worship with your church family. They need you, and, in this crazy world, you need them.
  2. Arrive Early Enough to Talk with Others. Paying attention to any concerns of others regarding social distancing, engage the people in your church family. They need to hear your concern. They need to know you care about them. Greet them with a welcome, share some kindness, express how glad you are to see them. Ask questions and listen – as simple as, “How are you doing?”
  3. Look Around with Intention. Look around you to see who is and isn’t there. Write down your observations. Send yourself a text to jog your memory. Once you have noticed who is and isn’t there, seek to reach out either immediately after the service or during the week. The key is intention. If you do not plan to do so, you will let another week slip by without engagement. Find out how the person is doing, if everything is okay, how he or she is doing spiritually, emotionally, and if there are any physical needs.
  4. Be Aware of Others’ Concerns. As you look around, consider others. Ask yourself questions as you observe the people around you. “I wonder who may be fearful? Overwhelmed? Tired? Uncomfortable? Weary? Lonely?” You get the idea. Seek to share special kindness with that person.
  5. Consider Your Church Ministry. Further, consider your church corporately. Are there areas where special help may be needed at this time? Is there anything you can do? How can you help fill a need? Where can you benefit others?
  6. Listen, Pray, Sing, and Worship. Engage your heart fully in the service around you. What a special joy and privilege you have to worship with your church family today. Many wish they could do what you are doing. As a follower of Christ, take full advantage of your opportunity.


If You Cannot Attend Worship with Your Church Family

If you cannot attend worship with your church family, you are not alone. There are many others like you. For those of us who can, we long for the day we can all get back together again as church families worshiping our wonderful Savior together. There are maybe scores of reasons that you cannot attend. Whatever your reason is, everyone else understands.

If you cannot attend worship with your church family, you will need to be careful to watch after your soul. Being away from church brings with it many concerns and possibilities for spiritual struggle. None of us want that for you. Instead, we want you to flourish spiritually even during this time.

If this is your case, then please consider the following items:

  1. Attend Online Services. You need whatever it is your pastor is preaching. You need the spoken Word of God. All of us do. Find a place to participate where you can block out distractions, give due attention to what is being preached, follow along in your Bible, take notes, and pray. When they sing online, sing with them.

    As we were quarantined for a season, our family found it easy to not prepare well for the online service. Resist that temptation and engage. Intention is a great way to describe the needed effort by you.

  2. Consider Others in Your Church. As you engage, think of those around you typically. Pray for those in attendance together live. Also pray for those like you who cannot attend. Ask God to provide the people who can attend a special blessing and those who cannot a special word of blessing as well. In prayer, ask God to encourage hearts, convict of sin, provide wisdom, and draw people closer to Him.
  3. Reach Out with Intention. Consider those to whom you can reach out and do it. Please do not let the day go forward without sending someone a text, card, or placing a phone call. Use social media and send a word of encouragement or engagement. People need to hear from you. You need to be active in seeking to serve others. Just because you are not with your church family in worship does not mean that they do not need you. They do.
  4. Be Aware of Others’ Concerns. As you think about your church family and pastors, consider their concerns. As I mentioned above, ask yourself questions as you consider the people in your church family. “I wonder who may be fearful? Overwhelmed? Tired? Uncomfortable? Weary? Lonely?” You get the idea. Seek to share special kindness with that person in some way.
  5. Consider Your Church Ministry. Further, consider your church corporately. Are there areas where special help may be needed at this time? Is there anything you can do? How can you help fill a need? Where can you benefit others?
  6. Be Faithful in Giving. Seek out how your church receives offerings. However you need to send an offering, do so. You will be encouraged because you had the opportunity to give to support the Lord’s work, others will be blessed because the church is strengthened financially providing further ministry opportunities.
  7. Engage with All Your Might. In the various ways you find it possible from the online service to reaching out to others, engage with all your might. Now is not the time to slow down, let up, or give up. Pray for your church family, your pastors, and for opportunities to serve those in your family. When you think of a way, do it. Reach out to your pastors, other leaders, and those with whom you serve. Let them know of your concern, prayer, and support. Do whatever you can from wherever you are.

Remember, your participation in your church is a stewardship. Let’s each one seek to love and serve Christ supremely while we love and serve each other sincerely.

The last thing we want to do is allow this crazy pandemic to hurt any one of us spiritually, hurt your church family, or potentially lesson the love of Christ or light of the gospel in our lives and community. I encourage you today as a follower of Christ and member of the family of God, pursue engagement and joy through worship, serving, and prayer.


Image Credit Luis Quintero | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together