As Day Three of the Election Day begins, Americans desire to see their candidate win fair and square. No one should want any cheating, unvetted questions, or anything less than an integrity-full election process. As these states move forward and both candidates respond to what they see on the ground in these states, this will increasingly provide more opportunities for patience, endurance, and kindness. Sometimes these things elude us or at least many people find these hard to practice.

But what about our children?

Adults, Our Children Are Watching and Listening

Would all the adults please stand up?

We must be responsible for our own personal actions and reactions in real time to what is happening in various states and Washington D.C,

At this point, none of us know what will actually happen. In a close election such as this, we have major news media calling states as if their call is the actually vote tally. The confusion of calling a state and then “not” calling a state adds to the pressure. The reports of incredible voter turnout in states like Wisconsin and Minnesota, sharpies instead of ballpoint pens in Arizona, ballot dumps, and protests produce an environment where emotions run even higher.

As we hear these things and read these things, our children are watching and listening to us. We are teaching and they are learning whether we want to do so or not. Sometimes it is explicit; at others, they are learning implicitly. Either way, our children may be the biggest losers of this entire election if we are not careful.


Proactively Engage Your Children

Help your children understand the process of what is happening. You may be thinking, “But I don’t even understand the process.” I understand that and laugh along with you. Use Wikipedia and refresh yourself on the electoral process and the Constitutional Republic.

Your children need to understand the process as much as you do. This is their country. The last thing we need is for a generation of children to believe that you cannot trust states, individual partisan parties, or the election process.

They need to trust in the Constitutional process where the electorate does our part, the states do their part, and, where necessary, the courts do theirs. All of this must reflect something much greater than your mere partisan opinion.

Let me explain using just one example. For four years I have been dismayed by “adults” who regularly end tweets or conversations with #NotMyPresident. Why? Have these individuals renounced their citizenship? Of course they have not. This year will be no different. Essentially half of those who voted will not have voted for the winning candidate again this year. However, the newly elected President remains your president even if you did not vote for him.

Our children watch and listen. Speaking loudly, irrationally, or unkindly toward a person, group of people, or political party demonstrates our own internal lack of self-control or possibly our own lack of wisdom. In so doing, we teach our children to not trust others, the election process, or an entire system of government.

Is the process perfect? No.

Therefore, we as the adults in the room need to explain it not just criticize it.


Let’s Be Honest

On America’s worst day, this is the best nation in the world. In fact, we may be living in the best country in world history.

People complain and gripe all the time which is very unfortunate. Instead, we should state our misunderstanding or disagreement with a person, party, or decision and then move on. Bitterness, anger, and malice from past elections or this one both sours our own spirit and then spreads the putrid to others as we engage them.

As an American citizen, you are blessed. Please open your eyes and see the beauty of the nation which God providentially allowed you to inhabit. Then share that with your children. Where you believe it could be better or have a particular concern, then share those things intentionally. Make it part of a conversation where you intend to teach your children, not a lesson by your failure to realize your children watch and listen.

Let your children experience the blessings and benefits of citizenship without the adult ugliness that we see all over this nation.


If You Are a Christ-Follower…

If you are a Christ-follower, then you have an even greater responsibility. Why? Because your hope should be in Christ, God’s plan, and God’s sovereignty. For us, our hope is much different than merely political. In fact, our hope should not be in politics at all. We trust in God regardless if our candidates of choice win or lose. We do not hitch our hopes to a party or person – ever.

We must be careful here though as well. Just because our hope is not in the political process does not mean that we should not be concerned and fail to do our part.

Our children need to see us be responsible with our civic duty as United States citizens and with our spiritual duty as citizens of heaven.




May we each one teach intentionally, lead graciously, and respond gently during these days. | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together