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Don’t Forget the Gratitude (#OneMinuteMondays)


Today and this week the first individuals across the United States begin receiving their COVID-19 vaccinations. The first one approved and shipped comes from Pfizer. More companies with vaccinations wait for final approval as well. All of these are a result of Operation Warp Speed, the White House program that synergistically connected private companies with the government. In fact, warp speed it has been. Many individuals scoffed at the idea a vaccination could be produced before 2021; however, by God’s providential grace, multiple companies not just created but have mass produced enough for Americans all over to begin receiving the vaccination.

No doubt, we are grateful. As COVID-19 again rips across the continent along with the annual flu season, the devastation caused by this virus has never been greater. Although the death rate continues to decline, the number of Americans both suffering and often hospitalized increases. Gratefully the doctors are wiser and therapeutics effective as the actual case load increases.

As I read part of the Christmas story in Luke this weekend, I noticed something common to everyone associated with the story…gratitude.

Gratitude All Around

Dr. Luke tells the story of the birth of Jesus and includes Zacharias, Elizabeth, their infant John, and Mary (cf. Luke 1:39-80). Interesting enough, each one of these individuals were filled with the Spirit according to Luke. This is an important observation as they all exude gratitude for their unique pressures to God.

  • Elizabeth heard Mary’s story and rejoiced (Luke 1:39-45);
  • The baby John leaped in her womb (Luke 1:41, 44);
  • Mary rejoices and praises God (Luke 1:46-55);
  • Zacharias continues the praise too (Luke 1:67-79).

All of them as they were filled with the Holy Spirit brought incredible praise to God in the midst of some different and highly pressured circumstances.

Don’t Forget the Gratitude

Without any doubt the pressures we face as a nation, as communities, as families, and as individuals potentially produces less than a grateful attitude. No doubt, I assume all Americans rejoice today in the vaccination rolling across the land. For this piece gratitude comes easier. However, we cannot forget the rest of the pressures and God’s providence in our lives as well.

Today and this week, as we walk in the Spirit and surrender to His control, let us each praise God even in the midst of our pressures. To the extent that we each walk in the Spirit, to the same extent we will demonstrate a heart of gratitude as well. | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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