We continue to focus our hearts and attention on Christmas and the Christmas season as we again seek to help keep our minds focused on Jesus’ birth this year. We have already considered recently the fact that Christmas is about Jesus. In fact, we highlighted and celebrated that Jesus Cares, Jesus Saves, and Jesus Forgives! Today, we consider the next thought about Jesus as we continue our countdown to Christmas.


At times the Christmas season can bring an unusual sense of down-ness and discouragement. Possibly, it is a co-worker describing all the wonderful gifts he is going to buy for his children when you know that you can’t. What about the precarious health of a family member where you wonder if you have seen the last Christmas with this person. Possibly, it is a song or movie that reminds you of past Christmases with former relationships and seemingly better times. Or it could be separated from your family by miles and circumstances. Maybe, it is a combination of these plus so many other life situations that can leave us discouraged at Christmas. Regardless of where we are or what is going on, John encourages us — Jesus intercedes!

Jesus Intercedes for Us in Heaven

Regardless of how we feel or why we feel a certain way, John makes our day sweeter. He writes to us so that we will not sin. Surprisingly and refreshingly to our ears, he continues, “And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And He is the propitiation for our sins …” (1 John 2:1-2). This is more of the good news we can celebrate this season: the wonderful work of Jesus on our behalf — Jesus intercedes for us. John calls Jesus our paraclete, functioning in Heaven as our advocate — speaking on our behalf before God the Father. The perfect righteous One ministers on our account — the righteous for the unrighteous.

The Implications of Jesus’ Work

John explains what makes Jesus uniquely qualified to intercede with God for us. Jesus is the wrath-bearing sacrifice. There are two incredible implications of this. First, in the moments when we are tempted to feel unusually down and disheartened, we can remember that Jesus bore God’s wrath for our sin, and presently continually intercedes for us before the Father. Again, how sweet, refreshing, and encouraging to contemplate what Christ does for us!

The second implication is of equal significance: Christ bore God’s wrath for sin so that we have the privilege and solemn responsibility to share Christ with every person with whom we come in contact. It is necessary to stay focused on and receive encouragement from what Christ did on the cross and provides us now in Heaven. We cannot afford to allow the discouragements from this world to distract us from living joyfully in Christ. When we fail to be encouraged by the grace of the work of Christ, it limits our ability and desire to share Christ with a lost world that needs salvation. Christmas provides us the opportunity to share the good news of salvation available in Christ to the world; therefore, we do not want to miss it because of a lack of joy and focus — Jesus intercedes!

Think about the Opportunities

In a world where those around us easily get discouraged, disappointed, and down, think of the great opportunity you have to impact them as you celebrate Jesus. You alongside them face many of these same circumstances that can also lead you down the road of discouragement too. However, when your heart reflects on the paracletic work of Jesus for you before God, it can lift your spirits. Even in the midst of disappointment, your eyes will see past the disappointment in circumstances to the beautiful work of Jesus.

Back to all those around you who feel the significance of the past many months of a hard year… your spirit of worship provides you the opportunity to encourage them to enjoy the true spirit of the season.


Image Credit Irina Iriser

KevinCarson.com | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together