I have heard people all my life tell me how important it is to read my Bible, pray, practice devotions, and otherwise seek to practice the spiritual disciplines. But why? What makes these things important for daily living? Today, I’m dealing with the issue of reading and studying the Bible. How important is the Bible for your week?

Lamp and Light

I love the way the psalmist describes the role of the Bible in daily living.

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
(Psalm 119:105)

It helps to understand the most likely author of this psalm in order to even better appreciate this verse’s significance.

There are potentially seven different authors of Psalm 119; however, I believe the best evidence supports Daniel. If Daniel, consider the toughness of his circumstances. He was captured and taken to Babylon as a very young man. There, he was educated under Babylonian control. He learned from and in the world system. He only had what he had memorized as a young child and boy, which was the Pentateuch.

Yet, Daniel noticed two things about the Word of God. It provided for him a lamp to his feet and a light to his path. As a lamp to his feet, the Word of God allowed him to see where his foot was and where to place the next step. He could see whether or not the next step was on a sure foundation or was potentially not solid. As a light to his path, the Word of God provided a vantage point to see those things around him on the path itself. He could see the areas of danger ahead and around him.


How important is the Bible?

The next step, as well as the path ahead and around

God’s Word provided what he needed to be able to take the next step as well as evaluate carefully the path he was on.

Friend, do you see how this could be helpful to you as well this week?

And, it is even better than what Daniel had! The Word of God provided to you exceeds the Pentateuch. You enjoy the entire revelation from God to man from Genesis through Revelation. What a blessing!

Therefore, this week, do not neglect getting into the Word of God. You will enjoy a lamp for your next step as well as a light for your path of life.


Image CreditAaron Burden

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