As we close another year on, I rejoice in the privilege of writing, collecting, sharing, and walking with you through life. In addition to my roles as a husband and father, I thank God that I also get to serve as a pastor, professor, counselor, writer, and neighbor. As I write, I strive to walk alongside you as one informed by these other role perspectives.
Who reads these blogs (this year 276 blogs, over 275,000 words, and over one-quarter million views from all but 7 countries in the world)? People like you. Family. Friends. Church family. People in my community. Counselors. Pastors. Followers of Christ. Interested and curious readers all over the world. Those who love Jesus. Many without a relationship with Jesus.
I have listed the top 10 individual 2021 blogs first.
Following those, I have the top 5 series of the year.
Then I close the year end review with the top blogs on the site for this year (which include more than just 2021 blogs).
Here they are! Hope you enjoy looking through them…
The Anatomy of Failure
Many people are asking, “Why?”
With the revelation of Ravi Zacharias’ secret lifestyle of sexual sins, Christians and even non-Christians publicly wonder what went wrong. Why would this man who many would consider a brilliant apologist for Jesus Christ, faith, and the Church fail in such a secret, yet devastating, way? What happened here? How could none of those who were so close to him see this, catch it, or seek to hold him accountable?
The anatomy of failure involves at least four necessary stages or ingredients. Click Here
Let’s Go Brandon
Editor’s Note: My good friend Steve Viars recently wrote this blog related to the increasing phenomenon of using “Let’s Go Brandon” to relate to the dislike of President Joe Biden. In this season of incredible difficulty as a nation, it seems as if this statement is the chosen way to express frustration without saying what it actually stands for in public. But, as followers of Christ, should we? Steve helps us consider this.
Few phrases have captivated American pop culture this year more than “Let’s Go Brandon.” It has become commonplace for spectators at football games, NASCAR races, and a myriad of public events to break out into orchestrated chants of this now-famous phrase. Airplanes drag the message around crowded stadiums. It is found on billboards, coffee mugs, T-shirts, face masks, Halloween costumes, and even used as a sign-off to political speeches.
This provides a fascinating opportunity, challenge, and question for followers of Jesus Christ. Is it appropriate for Christians to use this phrase in any sense or setting? The answer from Scripture is an unqualified “no.” The fact that such a reminder would even have to be given to the people of God shows how far Christ’s church has fallen from our purpose and position of being visible representatives of our invisible God. Click Here
Death and the Delta Variant
The Delta variant continues to take its toll all across the world; here in the Midwest it savages bodies and families more than at any other time. For months and months, most of the Midwest understood there was a pandemic, yet we did not see the direct result of it outside of lifestyle and economic changes. However, this is not true any longer. In July, Sonrise chose to do primarily virtual services two weeks when we brought home teenagers from camp with COVID. Further, many friends currently struggle with this virus. In fact, very sadly, in the past seven days, I have known four personal friends who have died of COVID. Today, I consider death and the delta variant of COVID-19.
As people contract the virus and some die around us, we stop to evaluate life and living. As incredibly sad as this is in every way, we have an opportunity that we do not want to miss.
In the midst of this increase in positive COVID cases, we are most wise if we stop now to reflect. We take this moment to heart. If we are wise, we use the sadness in our lives for the glory of God rather than waste this moment in time. As we reflect on those whom we love dearly who have died around us, may we recognize this is the end of all men. Click Here
A Great Time to Pause for Perspective
If you are a follower of Christ, I believe the events of this week provides you an excellent opportunity for you to pause for perspective.
Where does one begin? The right… the left… Republicans… Democrats… The main stream news media… The alternative news media… Big Tech… Woke… Redneck… Any and every one of these areas provide a jumping off point into this discussion. However, I want us to go one further step backwards.
As a follower of Christ participating in the public square – or simply trying to live life in 2021 – each of us must ask a deeper question. No matter who you support, at whom you are angry, or what you position is on any of the seemingly hundreds of issues related to the public square, we must each answer a fundamental question.
What role do you play? As you live through these historical days, what kind of wisdom are you employing? Are you wise? Do you have confidence in you, your position, your response to your position, and your response to the position of others? Click Here
An Update on Christians in Afghanistan
Editor’s Notes: The following update on Christians in Afghanistan comes from a report from Jim Geraghty a senior political correspondent of National Review. He reports on Jean Marie Thrower and others whose groups are currently volunteering in Afghanistan. Thrower is a former U.S. Army’s 82 Airborne Division transportation officer, who left her job to work with the Afghan Rescue Crew (ARC), a private group of U.S. veterans and civilians volunteering to save as many left behind Americans and vetted Afghans as possible. My notes are in italics below, the rest is from Geraghty.
Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast? — An Ask Pastor Kevin Response
Over the past few weeks, I have increasing been asked about the COVID-19 vaccine and the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13. Essentially, well-meaning and concerned individuals keep asking from a variety of perspectives, “Is the vaccine the Mark of the Beast?”
I commend those individuals who care about this issue. Although each person comes to this question from a wide variety of backgrounds and concerns, I am grateful they want to honor God in everything, especially as it relates to their soul.
Christ-Followers Beware: H.R. 5, the Equality Act and Religious Freedom
Why does H.R. 5 – the Equality Act of 2021 matter to you if you follow Christ?
Why would it matter to the general public who care about religious freedom?
These are significant questions. The US House of Representatives on February 2.
This bill stands to threaten religious freedom for every American – evangelicals, Jews, Catholics, Muslims, and Mormons. Furthermore, it redefines sex making it a construct of gender while disassociating it from one’s biology. In addition, this legislation forces churches, schools, hospitals, and public business to change its practices without any recognition of religious conscience.
To put it as simply as possible, do not believe anyone who suggests this does not have significant impact on all religious liberty on various levels.
For now just over four years the internet has been flooded with the hashtag #NotMyPresident. Before his first day of Inauguration, Democrats began a campaign to illegitimatize the elected President of the United States. But it was bigger than mere politics. The hashtag #NotMyPresident represents hearts that are bitter, often even full of malice. One person told me privately that it was fine to use that hashtag or say anything mean one wants to say because “Donald Trump is worst than the devil himself. He is the devil.” Most people didn’t go that far formally but functionally even a bunch of Christians detested him, complained about him constantly, and obsessed with what a bad person he was.
But what about that hashtag? Should anyone who has a problem with the new President Biden begin to use the same hashtag #NotMyPresident? If people object to the first-day seventeen executive orders and actions and all the policy that follows, should those individuals also use that hashtag? If perhaps President Biden makes a verbal gaff or does something else that might emphasize his age and fragility, should it be used then? Should people use other hashtags over the next four years whose purpose is to suggest that Joe Biden is not their President? Some have even suggested, “We should treat them just like they treated us.”
Two observations…

Christians, Please Do Not Leave Social Media
Over the past few weeks, I have read more and more Christian friends’ posts which say they are leaving social media – especially Twitter and Facebook. Many were moving to Parler or to other platforms which were promoting a free speech or a non-censored speech format. But as many of you know, Parler was nuked this past week by other Big Tech. No doubt we live in troubled times and social media on many fronts has not helped. Yet, Christian friend, I would like to both ask you please not to leave and convince you today to not leave social media. Let me explain why. (My personal story is at the end.) Click Here
Men, the Necessity of Repentance and the Consequences of Failure
Men – especially Pastors and People of Influence over others, this articles stands as a reminder and call to you.
Since writing The Anatomy of Failure, several have pleaded for this article. Women from various walks of life have asked why we men are not willing to identify sin, call each other out, and provide consequences for those who commit sexual sin. Others have asked why I did not rebuke Ravi Zacharias in that article as well. Regarding Ravi, he is dead. We trust his soul with the all-knowing God; God will handle him without my additional voice. The days to rebuke him have passed.
Regarding the rest of us who are men – again, especially pastors and any man who has influence over others – this article is for us.
Top Series of 2021
Some of the series throughout this past year have been very popular as well. I enjoy writing in various series and rejoice that you have found them helpful as well.
Thank you for your response and feedback to these series and I welcome your suggestions moving forward.
Here are links for each of the top 5 series of 2021:
Top Overall Blogs of the Year
The following list is the order of the most popular blogs in terms of total readers on the overall site in 2021. These include blogs written other years that remain very popular.
Here are links for each of the top blogs of the year:
- What does the Bible teach about anal sex?
- What does the Bible teach about oral sex?
- What does the Bible say about how often a married couple should have sex?
- Is Celebrating Christmas Wrong: Is it Sinful?
- What is a Christian Allowed to Do in Sex? What is Permissible?
- What does the Bible teach about masturbation?
- The Anatomy of Failure
- 9 Reasons to Celebrate Wedding Anniversaries
- Let’s Go Brandon?
- Understanding the struggle of a man’s desire for sex in marriage
- Death and the Delta Variant
- A Great Time to Pause for Perspective
- What You Need to Know about Sex and Why
- An Update on Christians in Afghanistan
- How should a husband deal with his desire for sex?