Today, Christians all over the world celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This past Friday, although we call it Good Friday, remains the saddest day in human history – the day Jesus was crucified and died on the cross. Silent Saturday as it is known follows it as the longest day in human history – the day that no one knew what was to come next. The greatest person who had ever lived had been crucified the day before. Just unthinkable. The world as they knew it was over; the Messiah was dead. Today, Sunday, marks the greatest day in human history. From devastation to exhilaration. From dead to alive. For all of us who are followers of Jesus Christ and believe in the Resurrection, there are four life-changing implications of the Resurrection for us.

Four Life-Changing Implications of The Greatest Day in Human History

Jesus’ Work was Accomplished.

The Resurrection demonstrates God accepted the substitutional sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for the payment of our sins. As the Apostle Paul summarizes, “Oh death where is your sting, Oh grave where is your victory?” (1 Cor 15:55).

I referred recently to the idea of a credit card machine. My primary card struggles sometimes being read by the credit card machine. Each time I try to use it, I eagerly watch the machine until I see the word “Approved” flash across it. I wait with anticipation each time until I see it.

Because Jesus Lives, You Can Live Also.

Because Jesus lives, you can live also. Jesus paid for our sins; however, it is necessary to ask God to forgive you and apply that payment to your account. Paul also wrote, “For the wages of sin is death” (Rom 6:23). “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). In the completed Resurrection, God offers to take Jesus’ payment for our sin and apply it to your account. Even though you deserved eternal death and punishment, you can have eternal life with Jesus Christ our Lord.

If we consider another financial illustration, this is akin to looking at your bill and seeing stamped across the bottom, “Paid In Full.” I paid my tax person this week and watched the lady stamp each of the pages “Paid in full.” As she did, I rejoiced that it was; however, my mind went to the cross and am so grateful!


Because of the Resurrection, You Have Resurrection Power.

Because of the Resurrection, you can celebrate and depend upon the power of the Holy Spirit to help you live a God-honoring, Christ-exalting life. Paul teaches in Ephesians 1 that the Holy Spirit’s power raised Jesus from the grave. He writes about his desire for us to understand “the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead…” (Eph 1:19-20).

The Holy Spirit power that raised Jesus from the grave is the same power that enables you to live a life worthy of the Gospel. God provides you the power to say and do everything God desires for you. Resurrection power!

Because of the Resurrection, Jesus Is with You.

Because Jesus lives, you can enjoy His presence today with you. As Jesus prepared His disciples for the cross, He described sending another Comforter for them, the Holy Spirit. However, before His ascension, He also made this personal promise, “And lo, I am with you always, even until the end of the age” (Matt 28:20). Jesus promises His presence to His followers as well.

No matter where you reading from today – from our community here to anywhere in the world, because of the Resurrection, you can know that you are not alone. When you look around you as you read, you may seem alone or feel alone, however, you are not alone. Jesus lives, and because He lives, He is with you.

Four Life-Changing Implications!

Because Jesus lives, our entire protectory of life changes. God’s wrath satisfied in the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus. Because of this, God forgives our sins when we go to Him and ask. We move from enemies of God to friends of God. As friends, Jesus provides us the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit to live in a Christ-exalting way. Plus, because He lives, He is always with us. Four Life-Changing Implications of The Greatest Day in Human History!

Happy Resurrection Day!


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