On the day my Daughter gets married

This is the day your mother and I have been praying for since you were born. We have asked God if He desired to bless you with marriage. Without any doubt, this is both an exciting day and emotional day. Even though I have three scrappy boys, I’m often called a girl dad. Why? Because of my girl and the joy you bring me along with your brothers. This is your big day, and we get to celebrate it with you.


What We Celebrate

As we get here, we celebrate with you a bunch of memories. For twenty years we have been through good days and bad days, ups and downs, plus joys and sorrows. My have we had some fun along the way. Your mom and I have watched you love people fiercely. You served Miss Coialeen selflessly and joyfully. You have also served children of every age by babysitting, childcare, and church. Now, you have demonstrated the love a young mom can have for her own child as you have worked through the past year.

In every day life, you make people’s day better. I love to see that. A big smile. Huge hug. A word of encouragement.

You have worked through your physical challenges with incredible perseverance. Most people would never know when you feel bad. Yet, you get up, go hard, and save your complaining to late nights over a good conversation.

No one has to wonder where they stand around you. You are loyal like your mom. People benefit from your kindness.

Your brothers love and enjoy you too.

Perfect? Nope. But, I love the way that you strive to honor God, serve people, and reestablish your footing when you have struggled. What would any of us do without God’s grace, love, and presence?


What We Anticipate

Today, you transition from primarily a daughter to a friend, from a parent-centered life to a a spouse-centered life, from a single mom to a married parent, from an independent young lady to a interdependent wife.

Who knows what all God has in store for you? I would like to think only good things; however, in life, we accept good days and bad days as part of the providence of God. I do know that whatever you face, you will stay centered, seek advice, and diligently love throughout it.

The challenge is to love your husband and follow him like the church does Christ. Just like your dad has not been perfect, neither will your husband. Yet, as God has done over the years, He will provide grace for that as well. For this, we are thankful.

As a mom, you will do great, too. We have watched you over the past eleven months. Tired. Busy. Adjusting. Working. Yet, your little guy lights up when you walk in the room, pick him up, and spend time with him. All traits you have learned well.

I look forward to watching you grow and thrive into further adulthood. Without any doubt, as you stay close to Jesus and obey God’s Word, you will do fantastic.

I wish I could promise you no heartaches, problems, or trials. But, I know God uses those things to help you become more like Christ. Just like every wife and mom before you since Eve, you too will have good days, better days, and some not so good days. When those days hit and things seem dark, never doubt what was clear in the light about Jesus, your family, and your own value as a daughter of God.


And, Today…

Today, you will be a beautiful bride. Your new husband does not realize your strength or determination. He will over time realize what we have known and enjoyed for twenty years.

He picks up your primary care, support, and protection. But, mom and I will be here when we are needed to help along the way.

As you love him, follow him, and seek to support him, remember that we all are in journey toward Christlikeness. None of us are perfect until we get to heaven. Until then, we need to judge each other from the vantage point of grace, mercy, and love, not law. You make a covenant together to walk toward Christ as one. This new relationship together is your permanent relationship. Where mom and I had you for twenty years, now another relationship takes center stage for the rest of your life. Together, you prepare your own son and possibly other children for that same transition some day in the future.

As you transition to your new home, new relationship, and new primary love, just remember, dad loves you, is proud of you, and looks forward to cheering for you both today and every day.

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KevinCarson.com | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together