Earlier this month I wrote a piece on why so many people enjoy Hallmark Christmas movies. As part of the response to that article, several people contacted me to explain why they do not watch and do not particularly care for Hallmark Christmas movies. Essentially, they described their personal response or the other side of Hallmark.

The 10th annual Countdown to Christmas will draw nearly 100 million people over a matter of weeks between now and Christmas. The Hallmark Channel during the Christmas season is annually ranked as one of the most popular channels on television. Crown Media Family Network produced twenty-four new movies for 2019 alone.

In the previous post, I linked Hallmark’s Countdown to Christmas to two reasons I believe they are so popular. First, after ten years, they help make up the Christmas tradition of many. As they begin to show every other hour on the Hallmark line of channels, their music, scenery, and celebration of all things Christmas set the mood for the upcoming season. Second, the Hallmark Christmas movie recipe serves up a secular Kingdom of God on earth. Essentially, in a world full of darkness and evil, these movies provide us hope of what life could be like or what life should be like. The story lines sound more like the future Kingdom of God just without God. The millions who watch enjoy a reprieve from the real world, a shot of hope, and some Christmas cheer. As followers of Christ, we realize that the real Christmas spirit only comes through the celebration of Jesus, the One Who came to save us from our sins, “God with us.” Yet, for so many, Hallmark provides a fresh breath of air during these many weeks.

Why do some people not enjoy Hallmark?

The Hallmark Christmas Movie Effect on Some

Those that do not enjoy Hallmark usually fit within three categories: some people are not into RomComs (Romantic Comedies), others do not enjoy the elements of the Hallmark Christmas movie recipe, and for others, they do enjoy both but the movies leave them sad and down.

The Others First

The first two categories fail to enjoy Hallmark Christmas movies out of personal preference. Either they do not enjoy RomComs or do not prefer the cheesiness of the Countdown to Christmas movies. Both are personal and really do not speak to the movies or the brand. As I discussed in the last blog, you have to have a taste for both.

When the guy gets the girl, everything turns out alright, and the snow begins to fall as they embrace each other, how do you respond? I’ve had many contact me and explain they find themselves in tears and a big smile. Others who are reading this right now would say, “Gross! That’s exactly why I do not like them.” I smile and respond to that individual, “Perfect.” It is just a simple preference.

What I find is that these individuals do not reject the narrative. In fact, most of them would love everything to turn out great. They would love to have a life where everything falls into place. You get it all. However, they do not want to see it as part of a continual stream of made-for-TV movies.

Hallmark Christmas Movies Leave Others Sad and Down

Some who contacted me explained why they love Hallmark’s Countdown to Christmas but also loathe it. One individual contacted me and described how the movies make his heart ache. Another explained how loneliness crepes in as the movies make her remember vividly a person who has died. Still another described how a past relationship failure dominates this person’s thinking during this season. Again, all very personal reasons.

As I read their stories and comments, my heart was touched by their sadness. I do get it. Although these movies may provide a temporary escape, they also serve as reminders of what could be, what was, or what has never been. Lives lost. Jobs gone. Relationships ended.

Not Hallmark’s fault. Simply, the story line – the secular Kingdom of God where everything works out in the end – reminds them vividly that everything on this side of Heaven does not.

For these individuals, they are saddened. One person told me how much he likes them and began to watch the movies as soon as they were available on this year’s Countdown to Christmas. However, after just a day or two, he was more down than he has been in ages. He discontinued watching them because of his sadness and the reminders they were to him of better days gone by.

Hope lost. Christmas for these individuals already serves as a low time of the year. Why would they double down on that with made-for-TV-movie reminders?

Real Hope for All of Us

I appreciate the comments that I have received and the responses from so many. As a pastor and biblical counselor by trade, I regretfully understand what these dear folks describe. I see it. I live it with people.

However, this is where we all can rejoice together. If you enjoy the feelings you get when you watch Hallmark’s Christmas movies or if they make you feel worse, the answer is the same for each group.

The real hope for the world is Jesus.

The secular Kingdom of God will never stack up to the future real Kingdom of God.

The Future Kingdom of God

Oh the joy of the future Kingdom of God!

The Apostle Paul says that we can comfort one another with these reminders.

13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.

18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. (1 Thess 4:13-18).

Our hope is in a living Savior, Jesus Christ. He promises to return to earth some future day and set up His kingdom. At that time, the Kingdom of God will be finally realized. We will enjoy what we can only know in part today. Those will be great days. This is the real hope of Christmas.

The secular version of Christmas tradition will never be able to top the future Kingdom of God. It is a facade. As good as writers can script it inside the Hallmark Christmas movie recipe with all the cheesiness of everything working out right on cue, at the end, these things are still just made-for-TV.

The angels announced Jesus’ birth and said this upon His ascension.

“Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:11)

Jesus does return. Life will eventually be perfect. Our satisfaction will ultimately be in Jesus.

For Those of You Who Are Sad This Christmas Season

“Happy,” “Merry,” and “Wonderful” are not words that seem very real this year. Your sense of reality looms large. January 2nd can’t come soon enough. For you, I simply remind you that God knows your heart, God knows your burdens, and God cares for you. For this reason, He did tell us of a future day. He provides a future hope for us. God gives us a greater perspective than just the here and now.

I offer a prayer for you and suggest a resource for you as you work your way through this season.

Dear God,
Thank you for the promise of the future Kingdom of God. Thank you for the hope that we have in Christ. We read about that future day with joy. We long for it. You did not leave us only to interact with this world around us. Instead, you provided us Jesus. Not just Jesus alone, You also gave us the presence of the Holy Spirit. You also promise to never leave us or forsake us. For these things, we rejoice. Even those for whom I pray, as they face their own sadness, thank you for caring. Thank you for loving them. Thank you for the guarantee of the Kingdom of God. Until then, I ask that the readers will sense your presence, love, and covenant faithfulness to them this Christmas season. Please grant them the strength and discernment to serve others even in their own sadness. Give them the joy of loving well.
In Jesus name, Amen.

A good friend, Bob Kellemen, provided a wonderful resource for you in your sadness. Please follow this link to download a free PDF from Bob specifically to benefit you in this season – Click Here.

Merry Christmas my friends

KevinCarson.com | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together