Marvelous Message We Bring ~ Jesus Is Coming Again

Written in 1957, this beautiful song simply recounts the fact that Jesus Is Coming Again. This is one song of over 1,000 from the late John W. Peterson. Growing up, I became familiar with this prolific songwriter through his extensive cantatas and other songs. Our church often sang these songs. This particular song, because of its unique time signature, was used in our song leading course presentation final.

Below you will find the lyrics, read a bit about the theology of the hymn, just a bit about the author, be able to hear a congregation singing this hymn, and hear it in an instrumental arrangement. Sing along, if you like, and rejoice in the future reality Jesus Is Coming Again.

Marvelous Message We Bring ~ Jesus Is Coming Again Lyrics

1) Marvelous message we bring
Glorious carol we sing
Wonderful word of the King
Jesus is coming again


Coming again coming again
Maybe morning maybe noon
Maybe evening and maybe soon
Coming again coming again
Oh what a wonderful day it will be
Jesus is coming again

2) Forest and flower exclaim
Mountain and meadow the same
All earth and heaven proclaim
Jesus is coming again (Chorus)

3) Standing before Him at last
Trial and trouble all past
Crowns at His feet we will cast
Jesus is coming again (Chorus)

The Theology

The words and theology of this song are rather simple. The song serves as a reminder that, in fact, Jesus is coming again. In that simple sense, the music celebrates this truth and is a fun song to sing as a reminder.

When will Jesus come? We do not know. It could be anytime during the day or night. We just know that He is indeed coming.

Some future day we will experience this reality. What a joy it will be as we will no longer have trials, troubles, or any other focus than our dear Savior.

This song reminds me of the words spoken by the angels as Jesus ascended into heaven:

Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:9-11)


The Author

John W Peterson, author and composer

John Willard Peterson (November 1, 1921 – September 20, 2006) was a songwriter who had a major influence on evangelical Christian music in the 1950s through the 1970s. After World War II, He attended Moody Bible Institute and served on the radio staff there for a number of years. In 1953, he graduated from the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago, and he moved to Pennsylvania to begin his songwriting career. He wrote over 1000 songs, and 35 cantatas. Some of his more popular song titles include “It Took a Miracle”, “Over the Sunset Mountains”, “Heaven Came Down”, “So Send I You”, “Springs of Living Water”, “Jesus is Coming Again”, “Surely Goodness and Mercy”, “This is the day that the Lord hath made” and “O Glorious Love”. His cantatas include Night of Miracles and Down From His Glory. He also composed the musical “Jesus is Coming”, arranged by Don Wyrtzen.[1]


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Traditional congregational singing.

An instrumental arrangement of this song.


Due to copyright, there is no sheet music for this hymn.


Link to Other Blogs in this Series

All the Blogs in this series Hymns, Songs, and Spiritual Songs that have impacted the church in the past and present.

Image Credit | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together