Dominican Republic Mission Trip
VIDA (The Pregnancy Center)
Each day we have continued to be challenged and encouraged by the great work happening in the Dominican Republic, where we are serving the Fundacion Red de Misericordia (FRM), the Mercy Network Foundation, a series of organizations helping reach the most vulnerable. Yesterday, Bill Allen and I were able to tour VIDA with Jennifer Pérez, the director of operations. What we experienced there is worth sharing with you. Keep reading below to learn more about VIDA (The Pregnancy Center).
VIDA means life in Spanish. This particular organization functions as a pregnancy care center in one of the poorest sections in Santiago. The organization employs four people: a director of operations, a receptionist, a counselor, and a nurse. Each of these employees offer both individual and group workshops each week helping young, pregnant girls off the street. Many girls are strongly encouraged to find a man who will get them pregnant as early as 13 years old. In this section of town, most girls drop out of school and begin motherhood around 14.
The conditions are horrific. In the public hospitals and through the government, there is no support to speak of for these teenage pregnant young women. At VIDA, they are taught hygiene, nutrition, the basics of how to care for a baby, and the Gospel. In this Christ-centered atmosphere, they are offered support by four caring, Christian ladies who strive to meet their needs physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The young girls are encouraged and given support to remain in school.

Each time a young girl visits, they receive a premade bag with nutritional supplies and hygiene supplied. In addition, they have a supply closet where the young pregnant mother can get school supplies, clothes for the mom or baby, and basic necessities, as necessary. Each nutritional and hygiene bag cost $15.00. Further, in the ninth month of pregnancy, the young mother receives a much larger delivery basket with all the basic necessities to get life started with their new baby. In this basket, it includes sanitary supplies to take to the hospital to help clean the baby bed and other places where the mom will give birth, new clothes for the baby, diapers, sanitary wipes, and all kinds of goodies. It is wrapped nicely. An expecting teenager and her mother were picking up one of these packages during our visit. It cost $100.00 to provide for each girl and her baby.
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