Ten Years! – Double Digits – Thank you so much!

WordPress sent me a badge yesterday. Ten years! What a joy it has been for me to spend time with you through the written word. Plus, thank you so much for reading!

Ten Years! 1,461 Posts – 1,371,892Words

These numbers continue to climb as I have the privilege to sit down and write to you and to me. Who would guess I’m well on my way to writing 1.5 million words? According to one source, it would take 91 hours, 49 minutes to read that many words. Some of you have almost done that over the past ten years.

How exciting. And, again, thank you!


Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

As I have written in the past, every day when I sit down to write or research or answer an Ask Pastor Kevin question, or think through a series, I sit down with three audiences in mind.

First, I write to feed my own soul. As I study, think, pray, and write, I write in order to help me. I need to read what I am writing for everyone else as well. I begin there.

Second, I write for those I know – my family, my church family, friends, my current and past students, and past conferees. Often, these are the dear folks who send questions, interact, and engage the blog.

Third, I write for those I do not know – especially those that live in and around my community.

The blog was started ten years ago when a sweet girl was murdered in our community walking home from school. Our community hurt so deeply. I mentioned that I wish there was a way to minister to our community. A dear friend and church member suggested I write what I wanted to say, and he would get it out to the community. Thus, I wrote Reflections on the Murder of Hailey Owens that day. He published it under www.pastorkevinsblog.com that evening. The first day the post reached almost 22,000 views. From that day forward, I have been writing.

As I have learned more about blogging and received advice from others, the blog switched names to simply KevinCarson.com and focuses on Wisdom for Life in Christ Together.


Thank You for Reading

I’m often asked why I created the blog and take time to “feed” it. Simple reasons … I want to enjoy living for Christ and walking together with you in Christ. As a pastor and biblical counselor, I love glorifying God in life with other people who also follow Christ. So the blog addresses issues related to every day living such as family, culture, faith, people who need care, people who give care, and personal growth. I write as a friend, neighbor, pastor, and counselor.

If you have questions you want answered, suggested topics, or just want to drop me a note, please use this link.

Crazy enough, as I have kept writing, you have kept reading. The blog continues to enjoy a very faithful readership – some even help shoulder the cost through gifts on Patron. Many others share the articles, like them, comment on them, and provide helpful feedback.

Together, I believe we continue to help each other as we seek to walk in Christ through life together in wisdom.

For now, my plan is to continue. I can’t write every day because of family and ministry constraints; however, I will do my best to continue walking in Christ with you.

And, again, thank you and God bless you richly.

Speaking on the Moody Bible Radio Morning Show
Praying with a man who came to ask me a question at a conference


KevinCarson.com | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together