Mr. Levergood, as everyone knew him, suddenly died this past week (May 29, 2024) of a heart attack. Bill was a husband, father to two, grandfather to five, great grandfather to four, pastor to many, and dean to hundreds. Serving the past couple of decades in the Deans Department (Dean of Men and Dean of Students) at Mission University (formerly Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary, Springfield, Missouri). While serving at MU, Bill also has served as the Senior Adult Pastor at Cherry Street Baptist Church. Prior to both these ministries, Bill and Carol served 21 years as missionaries to Brazil. When I titled this The Lovable (and Not So Lovable) Mr. Levergood, it is tongue-in-cheek. Everything about our friend was lovable; yet, some had to see him for disciplinary reasons in the Dean’s office which did not feel too lovable.

A Few Thoughts…

As I sit contemplating my friend, the pictures below really highlight the two sides of Bill Levergood. Bill loved God and loved people. His love of God was evident in his life; his love of people was evident in everyone’s lives around him.

I first met Bill when he came home from Brazil on a furlough in 1992. He began his teaching career at Baptist Bible College during this time teaching missions courses. In these, he was hilarious. He could tell a story like no one else. Along the way, you learned a little about missions as well. His faithful and distinguished career in Brazil was one of his deepest joys in life. They served there for 21 years before God providentially had to bring them home.

While at the College, Bill both taught and was the Dean of Men, then the Dean of Students. Bill’s teaching career was first. Bill was excellent in the classroom – one of the best missions professors of generations. He was a Great Commission person. You could not talk to him long without him breaking out in a story from those early days in his ministry.

During the accreditation efforts of previous decades, Bill lost the opportunity to teach. He only had his three-year graduate degree plus many years of service. Along the way, the accrediting agencies wanted more. Bill humbly moved into the Dean’s office full-time. Although I would complain about it, I never heard Bill complain. He would say things like, “Why yes, Kevin” or “Awwww” when I would say how much I wished he were back in the classroom.

One of the special connections we shared was within senior adult ministry. Bill took the senior adult ministry after I left Cherry Street. He and I talked about this often. He would reflect on those in his ministry. We would pray together occasionally, he would encourage me to go make a hospital visit, or we would shop stories. I could not have asked a better person to take that ministry after Kelly and I left. He loved and served those seniors so well.

The student stories from men impacted by his life and ministry are incredible. Bill lived life and served MU with integrity. As he served, and sometimes disciplined, he did so with a perfect combination of grace and truth. As much as he was committed to doing what was full of truth, he also had a heart of mercy. No person was past a second chance. He would grant those inside the possible policy options, but more importantly, always hoped what was best in the life of the other person.

At times, usually with me sitting against the wall in a very uncomfortable chair, he would offer his own life advice. He often asked how I was doing. His question was usually accompanied by his hands gripping both shoulders. We’ve had some great talks in that office. The counselor, at times, became the counselee.

Probably outside of Bill Piatt, no person at BBC/TS has looked me up to just ask how I was doing, how my day was going, or how things were at church. 

For the record, I’m so jealous of his ability to remember names and faces!

A Few Pictures…

Below, I have picked 25 pictures off the internet to share. These pictures almost capture the person Bill Levergood. I tear up as I look at them through laughs. I am in Manila right now so the internet is the best that I could do.

A Few Closing Thoughts…

I know few people in my life who have been more consistent as a Christian man than Bill Levergood. Even in the midst of discipline, his heart of mercy and grace shone through. Often as a counselor, he would call me to discuss a confidential matter. In all these years of serving alongside him, I have never seen him respond simply from anger. Instead, he always wanted what was best for the students.

He loved Christ well. He served his wife and family well. No doubt, if anyone has ever heard, “Well done my good and faithful servant,” it was our friend Bill Levergood. | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together