
I’m sharing some very interesting links today. On the practical side, with winter weather here, there’s a defrosting your car window tip. On the sober side, a serious reflection on losing a child.

We Lost a Child, and Gained Something Greater – Kelly and I buried our first child Kayla when she was one month old. I certainly understand part of what he describes here. It is a heart-touching reflection.

Why I am Using the Holman Christian Standard Bible | Replicate Ministries – Regardless of which Bible translation you prefer, this is a good article to describe the differences between various translations. As the title suggest, this author uses the HCSB.

15 Things Kentuckians Have To Explain To Non-Kentuckians – This is a humorous article about being a Kentuckian. Having grown up in Bowling Green and as part of the #BBN, I thought it was an interesting read.

Defrost Your Car in Record Time With These Tips – Winter is here. Try this helpful hint out if your car doesn’t have a garage to sleep in overnight. Thankfully, the garage is cleaned and both cars tuck away nice and tight. However, this may come in handy this winter!
