Take just one second to check out this week’s Links from around the internet. This has been a busy week and there are many interesting articles. Here are some of my top picks for you to consider. Enjoy your day in God’s Grace (Rom 5:2)!

Standing Against a Destructive Misogyny Threatening Our Children – Denny Burk considers the Teen Vogue magazine article plus some. This is worth your read, especially if you have children.

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
– Proverbs 22:6

The Most Post-Christian Cities in America: 2017 – This is an annual report by Barna which measure the attitudes and beliefs of Americans by city. You’ll find this study interesting. It should be no surprise that 8 of the top 10 cities are in the Northeast or New England. Another infographic reporting on Gallup’s research confirms similar findings.

In Honor of Those Marines Who Died – We are grateful for all those who die serving our nation. This week in a deadly plane crash 16 service members lost their lives. This is their story from TheVeteransSite.com.

Is “a Pain-Free Life” the Goal? – My great friend Beverly Moore asks this question about a pain-free life in her blog at the BCC. This is a well-written article and will help you think through this important issue.

Frustrated Parents – Some Hope! – Joe Gibbes at TGC site encourages all parents with this helpful blog, “Relax, Frustrated Parent. You Are in Christ.” So many parents need to hear this advice and consider it deeply. I think you will be encouraged.

Summer Heat Provides Many Opportunities To Be Grumpy – In this interesting article, from mentalfloss.com, the author points to a recent study that confirms that summer heat makes you grumpy. We understand it doesn’t “make” you anything – but it sure does give you plenty of opportunities to grow in Christ.

If You Love Coffee…Great News for Coffee Drinkers! – Scientists say that drinking coffee could lead to a longer life. As a faithful coffee drinker, I enjoy just one more reason to enjoy another cup. There are benefits for you whether you like it leaded or unleaded.

Human Chain Saves Family – This story is a heartwarming news article on a recent family caught at sea who were going to drown until beach-goers create a human chain and saved them.

Pastor Kevin’s Blog | Walking together through life as friends in Christ sharing wisdom along the journey