Keaton and I were busy talking. Football practice started at 6:00 am and we were early. It was a chilly morning. There was still some time before daylight – no cars on the road at all. It was a desolate street. As we turned toward the high school, that’s when I saw the lights. I was getting pulled over!

I wondered what I had done. The light was green. I used my blinker. I couldn’t figure out for the life of me what had gone wrong. The police officer walked up to my car and the conversation begins.

“You seem to be in a hurry this morning,” the police officer said.

I said, “No sir, just taking my son to practice. He doesn’t have to be there for another fifteen minutes.”

Noticing my camo outerwear, the police officer said, “You look like you are dressed to go hunting or fishing. What are your plans once you drop your son off?”

“No sir. The only thing on my plans this morning is to walk my dog. I dressed warm for that.”

“Sir, do you know how fast you were driving this morning?”

“I must admit, I do not. My son and I were in the middle of a conversation and I absolutely have no idea how fast I was going. I could guess but it would only be a guess.”

“You were going just over 60. Do you know the speed limit?”

“Yes sir. It is 35.”

“May I see your driver’s license and insurance please?”

Clueless and caught. I had no idea how fast I was going. This downhill stretch of road transitions from a four-lane road down to a two-lane road; however, the speed limit is never over 35. I was busy talking with my son regarding his practice and honoring God. Honoring God no doubt – as I drove 25+ miles over the speed limit. I was clueless; nevertheless, I was still guilty.

Keaton and I talked about how, although I hated getting a ticket, I deserved it. Even though I did not realize I was breaking the law, my unawareness did not change the fact that I was guilty and deserved to be pulled over. I also wondered out loud to him how I was going to explain this to his mother. I wasn’t sure how bad this was going to be when the officer returned.

After several minutes, the police officer walked back up to the window. “Mr. Carson, everything checked out on your license. I know it is early and there are no cars on the road; however, you need to drive the speed limit. Next time you take your son to practice, try to pay a little more attention. Be careful.”

That was it. No warning. No ticket. No anything.

I deserved the ticket!

I was exposed. The tale of the morning was ugly. My thoughtless, unlawful driving deserved a ticket. I had no excuse. In fact, I did not even have a clue how bad it was. Although I felt innocent, I was guilty. Here’s the reality: although I deserved a ticket, I did not get what my sin deserved. I deserved the ticket!

Sound familiar?

Consider this verse…

He has not dealt with us according to our sins,
Nor punished us according to our iniquities. (Psalm 103:10)

Oh my – is this ever true! Just as in that moment with the police officer, God does not deal with us according to our sins. He does not punish us according to our iniquities. God is gracious. He sent Jesus Christ to die in order to pay for our sins – that’s who He punished. He took Jesus’ righteousness and applied it to us – as if we had never sinned. He does not deal with us according to what we deserve; He sees us and treats us as His children. (If you have never sought forgiveness for your sins or don’t even understand this issue, see here.)

So how did I respond?

As you can possibly imagine, I told everyone. I was so excited. I sent the chief a note of gratitude and commendation for this officer. I shared it in church. I told students about it in the classroom. I, of course, happily told my wife about it when I got home. What had happened was great – I did not get what I deserved! Instead, I received the officer’s grace. Although he was justified in every sense to give me a ticket, I received his grace. I am so grateful!

Back to Psalm 103…

Is it possible that I am more grateful to not get a ticket than I am to receive God’s grace every day all day? Is it possible that I shared that officer’s grace to me with more passion and excitement than I shared God’s grace to others that day? In fact, is it possible that I have often remembered that moment with gratitude, even on days I have not considered God’s great mercy and grace extended to me every day?

Live with Gratitude – Aware of God’s Grace

Today as you go throughout your day, do not forget this simple thought. God demonstrates mercy and grace every day to you and me. Today, let’s stay aware of it and be grateful for it.

The Lord is merciful and gracious.
Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.

He has not dealt with us according to our sins,
Nor punished us according to our iniquities. (Psalm 103:8, 10)

Join the Conversation

Has there ever been a time when you did not receive the punishment you deserved? What is it?

Is it possible that you were more grateful for that mercy and you are for God’s mercy in your life?

Pastor Kevin’s Blog | Walking together through life as friends in Christ sharing wisdom along the journey