After a crazy time getting over here, China has not disappointed our group. On our initial travel, we experienced two cancelled flights, luggage difficulties, and a shortage of hotel rooms. However, the team responded incredibly well to those challenges. Furthermore, the second delay may have helped us more than hurt us for getting rest.

Beijing, Tiananmen Square, and The Forbidden City

Touring the Forbidden City in Beijing provided hours of educational fun. As a tourist destination, our tour guide Angel helped us understand the historical significance of these beautiful sites. As the home of Emperors for centuries, this was the hub of government and social life.

As a follower of Christ, this site impacted me on multiple levels. Both the god-like worship of former emperors and Chairman Mao saddens me. I see the people and recognize the incredible need for hearing the good news of Jesus Christ. The people are so proud of their rich heritage, especially since Chairman Mao. Yet, these same people lack from spiritual discernment and need the light and life provided through Jesus Christ.

Misplaced Hope and Worship

As I traveled the city streets, I have observed people steeped in culture and tradition. Passing by a wedding, we noticed red ribbons tied in various places, as well as red paper taped over manholes and other breaks in the pavement. The goal of these practices is to ward off demons.

Further, superstitions abound. Everything from lucky numbers to lucky lion statues influence daily philosophies and life.

The dragon holds a special place in the superstitions and hope of protection for the Chinese.

All these practices and belief systems further illustrate the lack of any relationship with God. They depend upon false gods and specific behaviors believed to influence luck, happenstance, and provide protection from evil.

Friendly People

The final observation from my initial interaction is the incredible friendliness of people. Our group has been treated with nothing less than graciousness. We rejoice in those we’ve met and have served us throughout the days we have been here. | Walking together through life as friends in Christ sharing wisdom along the journey