Although there may be recounts somewhere, election 2018 is mercifully over. And the people said?…AMEN! Thankfully. Right now as I write this morning, I do not know any result. Last night I taught until 10:00 PM, received a phone call regarding international travel, and then had a long talk with a family member. I never had a chance to look at any returns before it was bedtime. At that point, why bother? It was time to sleep not stay up culling through returns.

Here in Missouri there were several issues over which I was concerned. The ballot issues were significant. The state-wide offices were too. Yesterday by poll closing, I was responsible for one person’s vote – and one person only. And, I voted. Today, I am concerned for how the election turned out; however, I am responsible for one person’s reaction – and one person only. Regardless of what the election returns were locally or state-wide, in this state or in another state, in Jefferson City or Washington, D.C., there are several things that are absolutely true this morning. These things must govern my response to the election – if “we won” or if “we lost.” They must govern yours as well.

God is in control.

We commit our complete confidence in God’s power and plan. The Bible encourages us as we recognize that God’s control includes elections and election results. Whether it is by the democratic process or through revolt, ultimately God controls government. Daniel, when speaking to Nebuchadnezzar, explained it best, “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings;” (Dan 2:20-21; cf. Ps 75:7). Regarding nations and kingdoms, Isaiah wrote, “Behold, the nations are as a drop in a bucket, and are counted as the small dust on the scales;… All nations before Him are as nothing, and they are counted by Him less than nothing and worthless” (Isa 40:15-17). Essentially, all nations in the world along with their leaders fall under the providential control of God. The winner of this election only wins because it fits inside God’s plan. This plan is for our good and His glory as we strive to become more like Christ in it (Rom 8:28-30). With complete confidence of God’s Word, we can trust God. God is in control.We commit our complete confidence in God’s power and plan -- Not in the state house, the White House, or Washington D.C. Click To Tweet

Pray for our Governmental Leaders

Our primary responsibility is to pray for governmental leaders – regardless of who they are or their party affiliation (1 Tim 2:1-4).

The best thing you can do is obey the Bible which says to pray for your leaders. Our prayer begins with gratitude for God providing us protection through government and continues for the leaders that God would grant them wisdom and strength to do their jobs. We pray that God would protect the government as it seeks to protect us.Our primary responsibility is to pray for governmental leaders – regardless of who they are or their party affiliation (1 Tim 2:1-4). Click To Tweet

Why is it necessary to pray diligently for those who lead us? Because power corrupts. It seems that no matter how much power we get or how many things we get, we always want more. We are never satisfied (Eph 4:17-19). Those who are actually the servants of God for our good also happen to be sinners. They have the same problem we do. Self-interest. It is the natural response to life, but is the opposite of what God desires most from us (Matt 22:34-40). Power and self-interest create a powerful combination of temptation. As go the leaders, so goes the government. Therefore, it is imperative that we pray for those in authority.

Live a Life that Honors Christ

Additionally, we also are to live a life that honors God in whatever we do. As we live a God-honoring life, we seek to demonstrate godliness and respect. This both helps our communities as a whole and our neighbors individually. This is part of God’s plan for every Christ-follower (1 Tim 2:3-4). Honoring God in daily living looks like submitting to governmental authority as we can in Christ, while demonstrating respect for those who are in authority (1 Pet 2:13-17).

Regardless of who won or lost, now is not the time for victory laps or vitriol. Now is the time to live as those who love God and our neighbors. Live as one who recognizes the importance of personal responsibility. Recognize that political systems and politicians do not make your choices today. You do. It is your responsibility to lovingly act responsible in your home, neighborhood, and community. No one in your state house or Washington D.C. can do what God requires you to do.Regardless of who won or lost, now is not the time for victory laps or vitriol. Now is the time to live as those who love God and our neighbors. Click To Tweet

Place Your Hope in Christ and the Power of the Gospel

Our hope is in Christ alone (Rom 5:1-11). We rejoice that as Americans, we enjoy the religious freedom to not only enjoy Christ ourselves but also to share our hope in Him with others. We desire all men everywhere to have a personal relationship with Christ (1 Tim 2:3-7). God desires all people to experience forgiveness of their sins through the death of Christ on the cross. Jesus willingly died to pay the penalty for sin. Our hope is in Christ and the power of the Gospel.

What about our hope in government? The Bible teaches that we are to be grateful for government because when it operates the way God planned, it provides us the opportunity to share the wonderful Gospel message of the death, burial, and resurrection. The Bible never teaches to place our hope in it. Thankfully, government helps protect us as we share the good news of Jesus Christ – His love, mercy, forgiveness, and sacrifice. However, government absolutely fails as a source of hope.Where do we place our hope? Our hope is in Christ alone (Rom 5:1-11). Our hope is in Christ and the power of the Gospel. What about our hope in government? The Bible never teaches to place our hope in it. Click To Tweet

Just a Suggestion

Stay off social media for a while. If you “won” or “lost” yesterday, this is great advice for you. Turn off the devices and the news media, enjoy the people that you can see, talk with, call, or with whom you can walk. There is great life past politics. I have been enjoying it for several years now. I only encourage you to do the same. Do not let politics ruin you, your day, or your friendships. Some of my friends are eaten up with this stuff. Do yourself a favor and help yourself personally plus make it much more pleasant for all your friends – take a good, long break sharing your opinion on social media.

Why? Because God and people are better. Instead, follow the first and second great commandments (Matt 22:37-40): Love God supremely and your neighbor sincerely. Trust God. Rest in His care and sovereignty – regardless who won. | Walking together through life as friends in Christ sharing wisdom along the journey