What a privilege to get to vote! As we head to the polls all over the United States for the general election, we must stop to be grateful for God’s provision for freedom and the sacrifice of so many others that have given us this privilege. No doubt, to vote is an issue of stewardship both of the liberty we have and the blood that has been shed to provide for it. Often it has been a prayer of Christ followers to have freedom to exercise their religion and share the gospel. In fact, there are people all over the world today who wish for these same sweet privileges. Since we do have them, it is our responsibility to participate in this opportunity to vote in light of God’s kindness and provision for us. We do not vote as a voting block of Evangelicals, nor as Democrats or Republicans, we vote as individual Christians responsible before God for our vote only. Plus, we long for tomorrow when the political ads will be off the air for at least a few months.

Today, please pray for the following:

  • That God’s will be done overall
  • That all our hope would rest firmly on Christ and not a particular politician, party, or process (1 Pet 1:13)
  • That God will be glorified in our own choices (1 Cor 10:31; 2 Cor 5:9)
  • That communities and neighbors would be peaceful for the sake of others
  • That we would trust God (Matt 6:25-34)
  • That we would be content to serve Christ and others regardless of the process (Phil 4:11-12)
  • That God would grant wisdom to our leaders on every level of government
  • That whoever wins would serve their constituents more than self or party

KevinCarson.com | Walking together through life as friends in Christ sharing wisdom along the journey