Thank you for the incredible feedback I have been receiving regarding this sex blog miniseries “What do you need to know about sex and why?” over the past two weeks. I want to invite any of you who have been reading along who might have questions to please submit them. As I fashion the remaining blogs, I would like to make sure I answer key questions you may have, still have, or have been induced through reading this series.

You can ask your questions here. I will collect and categorize the questions and suggestions for the future blog posts. Although the form requires you to give your name and email, I will keep any comment or question you have anonymous. I will not use any identifying information including part of your story, location, or name.  Thanks for your help making this blog more helpful to you and your neighbors.


Blogs in this miniseries:

Part 1: What Do You Need to Know about Sex and Why?

Part 2: What is the Ultimate Purpose of Sex?

Part 3: What is the motivation for good sex?

Part 4: What are the benefits of good sex?

Part 5: What is the connection between sex and communication?

Part 6: How can you understand the struggle of a man’s desire for sex in marriage?

Part 7: How should a husband deal with his desire for sex? | Walking together through life as friends in Christ sharing wisdom along the journey