We all make choices. Of course we see this in every aspect of life because choices must be made in relationship to every aspect of life. Everything from entertainment to driving, from food preparation to clothing, from working to vacationing, and from worship to relationships demand that choices be made.

One of the most important of those choices you will make this week relates to your “following.” Here’s the question you, me, and every Christ-follower will answer throughout this week, “Will we forsake all and follow Christ consistently?”

A Pattern Worth Considering

Dr. Luke describes the morning Simon, John, and James all three chose to become followers of Jesus (Luke 5:1-11). Notice the pattern in this text:

  • Three requests: to launch the boat, to go out deeper and cast the net, and to catch men.
  • Three responses: immediate obedience, hesitated obedience, and fearful obedience.
  • Three benefits: each time Simon Peter is placed in a stronger position to be used by God.

Although Simon Peter’s obedience was not perfect, each time he obeyed, it left him in a better position for God to use Him. Peter launches the boat which enables Jesus to teach the multitude. It also provides Simon the opportunity for the next step of obedience. Jesus asks him to go out deeper and cast a net. This provides Simon the opportunity to catch two boat loads of fish. Jesus then gives him the opportunity to become a fisher of men. Peter’s choice: “So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him” (Luke 5:11).

Peter’s final choice placed him on the path for many more opportunities to serve Jesus as well.

You Have Choices for Obedience This Week

You are similar to Peter. This week if you obey what Jesus wants and commands you to do, you will put yourself in a much stronger position for God to be able to provide opportunities for further service. However, if you choose not to forsake all and follow, you place yourself in a weaker position and add complexity to your life through disobedience. God can still give you an opportunity but, no doubt, with more complications.

Today and this week, which choice will you make? Which road will you take? The road of obedience, discipleship, and greater opportunities OR the road of disobedience, selfishness, and diminished opportunities?

Image Credit Vladislav Babienko

KevinCarson.com | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together