As you attend church in-person or online today, many issues can compete for your attention. As you listen, participate, and strive to worship, many things can distract you. Depending upon your particular circumstances, the distractions vary from person to person. Possibly it is the music that captivates you today, or the speaker’s particular style, a greeting done well or not so well, a very clean building or some area that was missed, a slow internet connection, or whatever. Again, just about anything can grab you.

But what should grab you? What should be your priority as you go to church?

Let me suggest a key question to ask yourself as you participate throughout the day. “What is the next step God desires for me to take today in order to honor Him?”


The Next Step

As you know, none of us are perfect.

Whoever your pastor is…not perfect.

Your Sunday school teacher, ABF teacher, or Life Group mentor…not perfect.

Consider your best friend, spouse, neighbor, anybody…not perfect.

Not one of us on this side of eternity is perfect.

Similar to me, you may at times be shocked by your own need for sanctification. If the space between where you are now spiritually and where you know you need to be seems to be incredibly great, it can be discouraging, distracting, and feel a bit hopeless. Three steps forward spiritually and a number back. Two steps forward then four back. On and on this paragraph could go depending upon how long you have been a follower of Christ.

With this in mind, the question, “”What is the next step God desires for me to take today in order to honor Him?” helps you maintain your focus on your own sanctification. Instead of considering how far you still need to go in order to honor the Lord, choose to focus on the next step alone.


From Here to There…

For an example sake, let’s say there are 1,868 miles (by car) between where you are now and where you want to be (how’s that for random?). According to my Google Maps program, that is 26 days of walking. (Insert laughter here – you’d have to be really motivated to walk that far.) How is it possible?

If you begin and your focus stays on the fact that wherever you are, there are 1,868 miles left to walk between you and your destination, then you will be discouraged. The likelihood of you making it to your destination does not seem very high.

But what will get you there? Faithfulness – putting one step in front of another in front of another from where you are to where you truly want to be. The long-term goal does not change; however, the immediate goal becomes the next step, then the next, then the next. At some point, you get there. Between here and there though are thousands of steps in the right direction. If you are faithful to take the next step, God will grant you the desires of your heart.

Possibly you are like my friend whose favorite verse is:

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

This is a verse of next steps. Whatever is in front of me right now, Lord, that is what I want to do it. My words, My thoughts. My attitude.


Today, On This Sunday, Do Yourself a Favor…

On this Sunday… do yourself a favor. Do not get overwhelmed by how far you need to go to get to your desired destination of Christlikeness; instead, ask yourself, “What is the next step?” As you listen carefully, think about the truth. As you consider the truth, think through the next thing God would like to see changed in you. Once you identify that thing – whatever it is – then determine the next step. After you determine your next step, then take it.

Thankfully, before long, you will be further than you imagined – just one step at a time for a long journey in the same direction.

May God bless you and your efforts on this Sunday!


If you do not have a church home, feel free to worship with us either in-person or online at 10:00 AM CST. You can get directions online at or can join our service online.


Image Credit Priscilla Du Preez | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together