I admit that I have watched with fascination these past couple of weeks as Elon Musk has teased, then offered, and now has purchased Twitter. Absolutely a fun demonstration of free markets, creative business acumen, and big stakes finance. Hilarious. Many liberals have tweeted, remarked, opined, and otherwise bemoaned the acquisition. Again, hilarious. As conservative voices have been outright banned, shadow banned, and otherwise marginalized, they had nothing to say other than some version of thank you to Twitter. Now, the wheels have fallen off. However, what do we make of Elon Musk, Twitter, and the conservative resurgence?


Overall Gratitude

I do not use blog this space to major in politics. I decided several years ago to only engage in politics when I think there is a Christian worldview issue that must be addressed. Although I do not believe this is political, this issue certainly affects politics. However, I think it is important for us to consider how this Twitter purchase impacts us generally as a people. Millions of people worldwide engage each other on Twitter as one of the primary social media sites. Government accounts, politicians, businesses, media, educators, pastors, and people of all types employ Twitter to influence, explain, question, and, often, provoke each other.

As a company, Twitter had systematically shuttered conservatives on many levels. Scientists. Medical Doctors. Pastors. Educators. Politicians. Satire sites. Media This list could go long. Person after person have been banned, battered, and shadowed banned over the past six years, which began following the 2016 election and what many considered an unfair advantage for conservatives on Twitter. In response, liberals at Twitter systematically began canceling conservative voices. Disagree strongly on the pandemic, politics, and science, and you could possibly face Twitter jail or being expelled completely off the platform.

Many complained that Twitter did not follow the First Amendment, which of course relates to government and not business. However, the point was made. Liberals had control and basically shut down the platform for an honest exchange of ideas.

Enter Elon Musk. Shortly after the Babylon Bee satire site was banned, he became more involved in this greater conversation. Now, he owns it.

For anyone who appreciate the ability to share ideas, even by those with whom one disagrees, the response can only be gratitude. Although private and with all of the possible problems in the future, we have to wait and see what will eventually happen. Who knows? What we do know is that what was Twitter reality needed to be radically changed. Conservative voices had functionally disappeared in almost every field, including many of the evangelicals left on the platform as well.

Now, once again, everyone has a seat at the Twitter table. For this, I am grateful.


How do we respond then to this newly opened opportunity?

To say what happened to open dialogue, respect for disagreement, and the general treatment of fellow man escapes me. I have watched how people have been treated, minimized, and essentially condemned in the public space of Twitter. On more than one occasion, I have expressed privately to people that I thought Twitter had become a dumpster fire, many evangelicals not excluded. I have not typically called individuals out; however, I have bemoaned what I saw. On more than one occasion, I fought sinful anger (righteous anger most appropriate) at what I have read, how people have been treated, and what generally was going on in the past two years especially.

Now that things are changing and have changed, we must each choose to respond with responsibility. Godliness must define us. As many of us once again enter into a space to engage more broadly, everything the Bible teaches about godly communication still stands. We commit ourselves to walking in the Spirit even though many have been treated by those who were simply in the flesh if followers of Jesus or of the flesh. We must double-down in our own hearts to speak the truth in love, show kindness, tenderheartedness, and forgiveness. Our commitment must include the desire to build others up and not tear them down.

As a means of God’s common grace, we rejoice in this change. As a demonstration of God’s enabling grace to those of us in Christ, we commit to honor God, exalt Christ, and walk in the Spirit as we engage anew on Twitter.

May this be so for all of us who claim to know Christ.


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