Honor to Whom Honor

Happy Memorial Day! This day actually is not the official start to summer, although it is the unofficial start for most people. Instead, this day we stop as a nation to remember and honor all military personnel who died while in service of our country. Memorial Day especially emphasizes those who died as a result of battle. Often this day is marked by ceremonies in various national cemeteries and memorials. Many times volunteers place American flags on each grave site.

The picture above is from a recent visit of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery just outside Washington, D.C. 

Honor to Whom Honor

In a greater conversation related to the follower of Jesus’ response to governing authorities, the Apostle Paul makes an important statement.

Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. (Romans 13:7)

This statement refers specifically to governing authorities; however, the broader principle impacts each one of us. Where someone deserves honor, simply give it. Those of us who are of the household of faith should especially show honor as a spirit of general gratitude for the providential care of our Lord.

Citizens of the United States

As citizens of the United States, we take a moment to say,

“Thank you, God, for the sacrifice of all those who have died in combat for the freedom of our country. As well, thank you to each of those men and women individually as well.”

To give one’s life for another is a remarkable feat. The sacrifice humbles us.

In the history of the United States, over 666,000 men and women have died in combat. As part of the greater war efforts, over 1.6 million individuals have sacrificed for us. When you consider those who were wounded but did not die, that number swells to over 2.8 million.[1]

We honor these people today.

Jesus, the Ultimate Sacrifice

It is impossible to talk about sacrifice without thinking about our Lord. There is no greater love than that which our dear Savior demonstrated on the cross for each of us (John 15:13).

Today, we honor those who have died in combat as part of the United States Armed Services. We show even greater honor to our Lord, Jesus Christ.


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