A Look Back at the Top Posts of 2023 and Other Tidbits
As we wrap this year up, we take a look back at the top posts of 2023 and other tidbits from kevincarson.com this year. We will review the top new posts of this past year, the top guest post of the year, the top referral site of the year, and other tidbits. The top posts of the year include only those which were published this year. Of the almost 200 posts this year, I have highlighted the top 20 or 10% of the year. This webpage exists to share Wisdom for Life in Christ Together. As I look over what you all read the most, I see many posts that simply speak to fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are part of the body of Christ. I hope you enjoy this recap of the year.
Top 20 Original Posts of 2023
Here is a look back at the top new posts of 2023.
The Military’s Best Kept Secret
What a pleasure to spend time with the chaplains of Fort Leonard Wood in Waynesville, Missouri – The Military’s Best Kept Secret. The chaplain corps does an incredible job serving those in each military branch. This one surprised me as it quadrupled the reads of all the other posts this year.
Five Illustrations to Better Understand Emotions
Emotions are often misunderstood and hard to explain. In this blog, we considered Five Illustrations to Better Understand and Explain Emotions. I really enjoyed writing and thinking through this particular blog. I think you will enjoy reading it if you have not seen it already.
Back to School Prayer Guide – 2023 Edition
This blog is an annual post that I reedit every year when children, teachers, staff, and families head Back To School. The post is a very useful Prayer Guide for all ages – 2023 edition.
A Tribute to Lou Priolo (1954-2023) – from his own words
I paused to write a tribute to my brother in the faith and incredible counselor, A Tribute to Lou Priolo ~ from his own words.
How My Dying Friend Helped Me
In this post, I reflect on how my dying friend truly helped me in this past month. This year he left earth and went to heaven through death.
Help Me Find a Loving Dentist
You will enjoy this tongue-in-cheek post related to church shopping. “Can you help me? I am looking for a loving dentist to help me and my family. This is an important decision.”

New Christmas Chevrolet Commercial Reminds Us of What’s Important
Check out this New Christmas Chevrolet Commercial which Reminds Us of What’s Important this Christmas season.
Turning Your Complaints into Gratitude – A Great Challenge
As part of the wrap up of Thanksgiving Week, I shared an interesting activity you can try – Turning Your Complaints into Gratitude.
New Christmas Toyota Commercial with All the Feels
Check out this New Christmas Toyota Commercial with All the Feels of this Christmas season. It will bring a smile.
What is your “one thing”?
Often as we try to walk with the Lord on a daily basis, we keep one or some things hidden from Him. What is your “one thing”?
Blog Post from Nashville School Shooting Victim – Wow!
We share a copy of a Blog Post from a Nashville School Shooting Victim, Dr. Katherine Koonce, Head of School, at The Covenant School.
The Funny Thing about Hope
The Funny Thing about Hope – It is hard to live in any situation without hope. Yet, in really tough situations, it is very easy to lose hope.
Are You the Strong or the Weak AND also Godly?
Talk about a hard issue in the faith that produces difficulties in relationships… Are You the Strong or the Weak AND also Godly?
Will Jesus Christ Return in 2024? Why Is This Significant?
As we transition from one year to the next, we ask, Will Jesus Christ Return in 2024? and Why Is This Significant?
Weep with Those Who Weep
As followers of Jesus Christ together, we weep with those who weep. We also hope with them, and look forward to a future resurrection. with Jesus.
5 Conversation Killers for Children and Teenagers
Have you ever tried talking to a child or teenager, and you do not get very far? 5 Conversation Killers for Children and Teenagers
On the day my Daughter gets married
Some random thoughts On the day my Daughter got married. I anticipate the day ahead while considering the joys of the days behind.
Reflections on the Death of My Friends
In the spring, over a period of a few weeks, I had lost a handful of friends my age and younger. Here were my Reflections on the Death of My Friends.
Can Your Body Make You Sin? Guardrails for Your Thinking
Can your body make you sin? This is a great question to consider as we see people often blame their bodies for various expressions of sin.
Watching Humanity as We Pray for Damar Hamlin
Last January, as the events of the Sunday Night Football unfolded, I was encouraged by watching humanity, even as we pray for Damar Hamlin.
Top 5 Guest Posts of 2023
Here is a look back at the top 5 guest posts of 2023.
50 Quotes from Tim Keller (1950–2023) by Matt Smethurst
In memory of Dr. Tim Keller, Matt Smethurst compiled 50 of his favorite quotes from Tim Keller’s writing. You will be encouraged by these.
On Forgiveness and Forgiving Oneself by Dr Howard Eyrich
In this blog, Dr Howard Eyrich explains On Forgiveness and Forgiving Oneself. What is the difference? Is forgiving oneself necessary?
The 5 Lies of Panic Attacks by Dr. Lucy Ann Moll
Dr Lucy Ann Moll helps us understand panic attacks by looking at 5 LIes behind our panic. She will help you think through this well.
Counsel the Bitter Person with a Warning from Jesus by Paul Tautges
Bitterness can be so tricky, deceptive, and enters into one’s like like a sleuth. Today, we learn how to Counsel the Bitter Person with a Warning from Jesus.
Post the Strongest Soldiers at the Weakest Gate by Tim Challies
Tim Challies addresses a critical issues for each of us to consider in our walk with Christ – Post the Strongest Soldiers at the Weakest Gate.
Hat Tip to the Greatest Referrers of 2023
Thank you to so many of you who like, share, and comment on the blog posts. On Facebook, there are several who are so faithful to like and share. As far as websites go, Tim Challies has done more than anyone else to share articles. His megaphone helps so many “mom and pop” sites like this one. I am indebted to his kindness occasionally. In addition to Tim, there are others also who refer us, like theaquilareport.com and biblicalcounselor.com. I’m sincerely grateful for these three top referrers and all of you who do so as well.
End of year stats will follow after the beginning of the year.
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