Urgent Missouri Supreme Court

Urgent Message regarding the Missouri Supreme Court
Amendment 3 Going to the Missouri Supreme Court This Morning

Last week on Friday, September 6th, the 19th Judicial Circuit Court of Missouri Associate Circuit Judge Christopher Limbaugh handed down a decision on the proposed “Reproductive Rights” Amendment 3. His decision said that proposed Amendment 3, brought by the Initiative Petition Process, was a ‘blatant violation’ of state initiative petition requirements. This opened the possibility proposed Amendment 3 will not be on the November ballot. However, Judge Limbaugh is allowing proponents of Amendment 3, led by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), to appeal and correct the failure before issuing an injunction preventing Amendment 3 from going on the ballot.

The proponents’ appeal was moved to the Missouri Supreme Court. Their hearing is scheduled at 8:30 a.m. this morning, Tuesday, September 10th.

Today by 5:00 pm is the constitutional deadline for any changes to be made to the November 5 Missouri Ballot.

Missouri Supreme Court Building in Jefferson City, Missouri

What can you do?

Let me strongly encourage you to pray throughout the morning.

Please pray justice for the unborn.

Pray also Proverbs 16:11, as the LORD demands accurate scales and balances; He sets the standards for fairness.

Pray for the Missouri Attorney General as he represents the Missouri people against this amendment.

Pray for each of the Missouri Supreme Court Justices by name: Chief Justice Mary R Russell, Judge W. Brent Powell, Judge Zel M. Fischer, Judge Robin Ransom, Judge Paul C. Wilson, Judge Kelly C. Broniec, and Judge Ginger K. Gooch.

Pray the Judges will rule according to the rule of law. This amendment was written to deceive and totally upend the desires of the people of Missouri. Without any doubt, this amendment specifically was written by the “trickery of men.” God help our children and women of the state, may God block this at this level and leave in the protections in our state regarding these reproductive issues.

I will write more later to update this case.


Missouri Supreme Court

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