Labor Day & the End of Vacation

Welcome back to #OneMinuteMondays! Over the past month of August, I took the first break for #OneMinuteMondays since it began in August of 2018. Five years of posting every Monday. What a joy encouraging folks every Monday with a word of encouragement as each one of us get started on our new day, new week, and process our past weekend. The #OneMInuteMondays posts began without a clear path forward. I did not know how long I would do them; however, I am so grateful for many of you who read them every week, post them, and reply back to them. My initial goal was to give people a one minute pat on the back, potential hug, a good handshake, or a high five to get the week started toward the beneficial end of glorifying God.

Best Of…

Since its inception, #OneMinuteMondays have been very consistently read. The most popular topics may not surprise you. Until this month, I had not paid that close of attention to them. However, the most popular by far relate to not being alone. Here’s a sample. Others in the top ten include posts related to God’s promises, how to pray in pressured circumstances of a week, and how to think through spiritual disciplines. You can browse through as many as you like – a rabbit hole for your day :) – at this LINK.


Labor Day and a Renewed Focus on the Fall

Today is Labor Day in the United States. This annual holiday brings many memories associated with it including the Labor Day Telethon, dove hunting trips, and family cookouts. This is the nonofficial end of summer for most families. As September gets in full swing, most families begin to buckle down for the fall with renewed emphasis on church, school, and family.

As a day off, this is a beautiful holiday. For sure, most of us work hard. We serve our families, communities, and churches. We lower our shoulders and work. God ordained it so.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going (Eccl 3:10).

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him (Col 3:17).

God grants us the opportunity to work hard for His glory. Today celebrates that opportunity. With an eye on our union in Christ, seeking to glorify God, live as Christ, and use our energy under the power of the Spirit, we strive to work for the beneficial good of others. May God grant us the energy, insight, and opportunity to do just that.



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Image Credit | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together