Remember the Power of Your Own Story

As you go about your day and new week, Remember the Power of Your Own Story. Through it, you can significantly impact others. Let me demonstrate with a powerful story from the Book of Acts.

The Apostle Paul makes it to Jerusalem (cf., Acts 21). Once there, the leaders of the church suggest a plan for him to take four men to the temple to finish their purification ritual, and through that process help unify the church. Paul agrees. Once he gets the men to the temple and goes through the process of purification, Jews from Asia come in to get the people all stirred up against Paul (21:27-29). They falsely accuse him of bringing an Ephesian into the temple, among other false accusations. He gets captured by the people, rescued by the commander of the Roman garrison, and then is allowed to speak to all the people by the commander.

The Apostle Paul then gives his own personal testimony to the assembled crowd. He describes the following four things through Acts 22:1-21.

  • Paul explained his unsaved past.
  • Paul told about his salvation experience.
  • Paul talked about his growth as a follower of Jesus Christ.
  • Paul also discussed his obedience to the Lord.

Was it effective? Absolutely.

As he continued telling his testimony, the crowd under conviction began to shout, “Away with such a fellow from the earth, for he is not fit to live!” (Acts 22:22).

Be sure to share your own story with others this week too!

Just as Paul, your story has the power to be an effective witness to others. If you use the same elements, your story can make an impact and help others accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior as well. Make sure you include the following elements in your story as well:

  • In many ways, we need to consider Paul’s testimony as a great example of what we should do as well.
  • We can explain our unsaved past.
  • We can tell about our salvation experience.
  • We can talk about our growth as a follower of Jesus Christ.
  • We also can discuss our obedience to the Lord.
  • All of this must be done with a clear light on Jesus and the gospel.
  • We need to confess our faith in authentic (honest) humility.

As you live your life this week, ask God to give you opportunities to share your own personal testimony or story as part of an effective witness for Him.


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Image Credit | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together