Getting Crafty ~ Snow Day Fun ~ Homemade Bird Feeders

While watching a Christmas show on Great American Christmas, I had the idea of making homemade bird feeders. The boys were delighted to make 10 different homemade feeders. Since the snow this weekend, the birds have loved them too. You can see the pictures and directions below.

Ingredients Needed:

  • Pinecones (we used two different kinds that we collected from the trees)
  • Birdseed
  • Creamy Peanut Butter
  • Spatulas (something to spread the peanut butter)
  • Baking pan (to roll pine cones in birdseed)
  • String
  • Butcher Paper to cover table


  • Open the birdseed and pour some into the baking pan.
  • Pick the pinecones of choice.
  • Take the spatula and smear peanut butter all over the pinecone. Use a generous amount of peanut butter.

  • Roll the peanut butter-covered pinecone in the birdseed.

  • Once completely covered in birdseed, cut a string to desired length for hanging the birdfeeder.

  • At the bottom of the cone, pull the string tight around the cone and tie it.

  • Tie a loop at the top of the string.

  • Hang the finished pinecone out for the bird’s enjoyment.

Pictures from Our Backyard | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together